Big Network
ABC, NBC, CBS, but may also include HBO, Showtime and other popular cable networks for our discretionary purposes just to keep you guessing
ABC, NBC, CBS, but may also include HBO, Showtime and other popular cable networks for our discretionary purposes just to keep you guessing
A listing of all roles being cast for shows/films currently in production.
A listing of all roles being cast for shows/films currently in production.
Casting Director (CD)
The gatekeeper - the person that holds all the power in controlling who gets what role on what show/film.
The gatekeeper - the person that holds all the power in controlling who gets what role on what show/film.
"Cover Your Ass" a term used in life to remove responsibility and liability for potential things that can go wrong and are blamable.
"Cover Your Ass" a term used in life to remove responsibility and liability for potential things that can go wrong and are blamable.
the root word 'eff' is actually in the dictionary as a euphemism for 'fuck'
the root word 'eff' is actually in the dictionary as a euphemism for 'fuck'
first world problems
first world problems
person/people of color
person/people of color
person/people of no color. Pronounced like 'pong,' but with a hard 'k' sound.
person/people of no color. Pronounced like 'pong,' but with a hard 'k' sound.
production company
production company
queer black women's writer's circle
queer black women's writer's circle
red teaming
punching holes in someone's story/argument/premise
punching holes in someone's story/argument/premise
repped it
represented by an agency
represented by an agency
ritual suicide by disembowelment
ritual suicide by disembowelment
The essence of what it means to have a token quality relative to a generally FWP focused paradigm
The essence of what it means to have a token quality relative to a generally FWP focused paradigm
write it forward
write it forward
white people problems (Note: This differs from FWP.)
white people problems (Note: This differs from FWP.)
woman/women of color
woman/women of color
Bright-eyed bushy tailed 20 somethings with no debt, no reserve, aren't jaded by reality and will
work for free on any and every project - also known as "undercutters".
Bright-eyed bushy tailed 20 somethings with no debt, no reserve, aren't jaded by reality and will
work for free on any and every project - also known as "undercutters".