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Chanel & Row’s is a conversational blog between two
writers 3,000 miles away with the same undertaking: breaking into the
entertainment industry to become working
writers. Aside from this colossal task,
they also share in the joys and pains that come with being female, gay
minorities – and 30-something (closer to 30)!
Sometimes tragic, sometimes humorous but always real, these women offer
each other advice, push each other to reach her dream goal and hopefully create
honest art in the process.
We write our Letters
Every Tuesday an Initial Letter (IL) and a Response Letter (RL) are posted on the LETTERS page. Chanel and Row alternate with their initial and response letter posts.
You read our Letters
It should go without saying, but we will say it: the IL should be read first in order to understand the RL. Of course, you can approach the blog however you so fancy. It is merely our STRONG suggestion that you read it in order!
We write our Letters
Every Tuesday an Initial Letter (IL) and a Response Letter (RL) are posted on the LETTERS page. Chanel and Row alternate with their initial and response letter posts.
You read our Letters
It should go without saying, but we will say it: the IL should be read first in order to understand the RL. Of course, you can approach the blog however you so fancy. It is merely our STRONG suggestion that you read it in order!
Who is Chanel?

Who is Row?
Rowena Pedrena is a Gaysian writer living in Los Angeles by way of New York City. Newly minted with an MFA Film degree that means absolutely nothing in Hollywood- she’s currently on the hunt for steady and fulfilling work while padding her time with odd jobs and assistantships. With a keen observational eye for the wildly ironic and moronic Rowena strives to edify through humor and continually point out that in fact common sense ain’t that common.
You Ladies are awesome and I want to contact you!
email us:
Chanel & Row's Links:
Rowena's IMDB page
Chanel's sort of (but not really) professional page